Showing 51 - 75 of 205 Results
Journal of a Residence in the Sandwich Islands During 1823, 1824, and 1825, With Notes by W.... by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9781150563218 List Price: $25.98
Sketches of Society in Great Britain and Ireland (2) by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9781150707087 List Price: $21.51
A Visit to the South Seas (Volume 1); In the United States' Ship Vincennes During the Years ... by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9781152105959 List Price: $24.49
A Visit to the South Seas, in the U.S. Ship Vincennes, During the Years 1829 and 1830: With ... by Ellis, William, Stewart, Ch... ISBN: 9781148246604 List Price: $37.75
A Visit to the South Seas, in the United States Ship Vincennes, During 1829 and 1830 (Volume 1) by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9781154074949 List Price: $20.87
Journal of a Residence in the Sandwich Islands, during the Years, 1823, 1824, and 1825 - Cha... by Stewart, C. S., Ellis, W. ISBN: 9780870227721 List Price: $10.00
Brazil and la Plata: The Personal Record of a Cruise, by C. S. Stewart. by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9781425551797 List Price: $29.99
Visit to the South Seas, in the U S Ship Vincennes : During the Years 1829 And 1830 by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9781176147058 List Price: $33.75
Brazil and la Plata, the Personal Record of a Cruise by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9780371663455 List Price: $16.95
Visit to the South Seas, in the U. S. Ship Vincennes : During the Years 1829 and 1830: with ... by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9780371686270 List Price: $16.95
Visit to the South Seas, in the U. S. Ship Vincennes : During the Years 189 and 1830; with S... by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9780461865783 List Price: $14.95
Visit to the South Seas in the United States' Ship Vincennes, During the Years 189 And 1830 ... by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9780461918557 List Price: $14.95
Naval Magazine by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9780371875421 List Price: $18.95
Visit to the South Seas, in the United States Ship Vincennes, During ... 829 And 830 by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9780371303054 List Price: $14.95
Visit to the South Seas : In the U. States Ship Vincennes, During the Years 189 And 1830 by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9780371386859 List Price: $13.95
A Visit to the South Seas, in the U.S. Ship Vincennes, During the Years 1829 and 1830: With ... by Charles Samuel Stewart, Wil... ISBN: 9780342358229 List Price: $19.95
A Visit to the South Seas, in the U.S. Ship Vincennes, During the Years 1829 and 1830: With ... by Charles Samuel Stewart, Wil... ISBN: 9780342358236 List Price: $29.95
Brazil and La Plata the Personal Record of a Cruise by Charles Samuel Stewart ISBN: 9780530775395 List Price: $28.95
A Visit to the South Seas in the United States Ship Vincennes During the Years 1829 and 1830 by Charles Samuel Stewart ISBN: 9780526169603 List Price: $27.95
Visit to the South Seas, in the U S Ship Vincennes : During the Years 1829 And 1830 by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9781173636296 List Price: $32.75
Brazil and la Plata; the personal record of a cruise, by C. S. Stewart by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9781418138165 List Price: $39.95
Visit to the South Seas, in the United States Ship Vincennes, During 1829 And 1830 by Stewart, Charles Samuel ISBN: 9781147472325 List Price: $33.75
Visit to the South Seas, in the U S Ship Vincennes : During the Years 1829 And 1830 by Ellis, William, Stewart, Ch... ISBN: 9781149100318 List Price: $37.75
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